Trouble Paying

You May Be Able to Lower or Temporarily Postpone Your Monthly Loan Payments

If you can't pay your federal student loan(s), consider one of these options: alternative repayment plans, deferment or forbearance.

We can help you find out if you qualify, but only your loan servicer(s) can approve one of these options for your situation.

If you need help getting started, give us a call.

Explore Reducing Your Payments with an Alternative Repayment Plan

If you don't make enough money to pay back your federal student loan(s), consider exploring other repayment options that may lower your payments.

Some repayment plans are based on income and family size and offer benefits like loan forgiveness after a set number of years. Other plans start with smaller payments that gradually increase over time.

Temporarily Stop Payments with a Deferment

A deferment can put your federal student loan payments on hold if you have an economic hardship, return to school, become unemployed, serve in the military or volunteer with an organization such as the Peace Corps, or for certain other reasons.

There are many types of deferment, each with its own eligibility requirements. We can help you determine if you qualify.

Temporarily Postpone or Reduce Payments with a Forbearance

If you are experiencing financial difficulty but are not eligible for a deferment, you may qualify for a forbearance. A forbearance allows you to temporarily postpone or reduce your payments.

There are four common types of forbearance and only your loan servicer(s) can decide if one works for your situation. Your loan servicer(s) will determine your eligibility and process the forbearance. If you need assistance with this, please give us a call.